
【実施済】総合学術高等研究院生物圏研究ユニット・公開セミナー「Marine biodiversity, traits, and ecosystem functioning」

We are pleased to announce an open seminar, "Marine biodiversity, traits, and ecosystem functioning" in the following.

Date: 1-5PM, 22 May (Wed), 2024
Room: Env-building#1-305
Dr. Drew Lohrer—Principal Scientist, NIWA.
Dr. Orlando Lam-Gordillo—Marine Ecologist, NIWA
Dr. Katie Cook—Marine Ecologist, NIWA.

Drew Lohrer: Impacts of human disturbance and key species on coastal seafloor communities and functions

Orlando Lam-Gordillo: Trait-based analyses for assessing marine ecosystem functioning

Katie Cook: Using functional approaches to assess anthropogenic and climate induced ecological change to help inform marine ecosystem management

【実施済】特別公開セミナー「Wild flowers and human aesthetic perception: from the perspectives of flower color and traits, grassland history, and cultural contexts」

Date:7 May (Tue), 2024, 15:00-17:00

Martin Hůla (Charles University, Czech Republic) :Human Aesthetic Responses to Flowers: What do we know so far?

Mahoro Tomitaka (Tsukuba University): Do older grasslands have higher aesthetic value? People's preferences for floral traits

Tanaka KENTA (Tsukuba University)(online): Environmental values of secondary nature: Grasslands in highlands, agricultural reservoirs and mountain fortresses

【実施済】生態学会関東地区会シンポジウム(オンライン)「Response diversity, species asynchrony, and ecosystem stability」

日本生態学会関東地区会主催の、公開ンシンポジウム(オンライン)「Response diversity, species asynchrony, and ecosystem stability」を、2022年7月3日(日)に開催します。



I am pleased to announce an online symposium, "Response diversity, species asynchrony, and ecosystem stability." This symposium will be held on 3 July, 2022 (Sun) as a part of meetings in Kanto region of ESJ (Ecological Society of Japan).

This symposium will be held online, and presentations will be in English.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration form below and submit it by 23:59 of 29 June (Wed). After this date, you will receive an email before the event.
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/KBU36QkM8NYfpsH5A

The details of the symposium are following.
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium.

公開シンポジウム /Open symposium
「Response diversity, species asynchrony, and ecosystem stability」

■企画者:石井直浩(横浜国立大学)、Samuel R.P-J. Ross(沖縄科学技術大学院大学)、鏡味麻衣子(横浜国立大学)、佐々木雄大(横浜国立大学)

■Date: July 3rd, 2022 (Sun) 14:00-17:00
■Form: Online (Zoom)
■Language: English
■Organizers: Naohiro Ishii (Yokohama National Univ.), Samuel R.P-J. Ross (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate Univ.), Maiko Kagami (Yokohama National Univ.), Takehiro Sasaki (Yokohama National Univ.)

環境変動に対する生態系機能および生態系サービスの安定性やその維持メカニズムの解明は、生態学の主要課題の一つである。生物多様性は、生態系の安定性(ecosystem stability)を向上させる最も基盤的な要因である。とくに近年は、時間的安定性(temporal stability/invariability)、抵抗性(resistance)、回復性(recovery)、レジリエンス(resilience)といった生態系の安定性のさまざまな側面に対して、生物種の環境応答の多様性(応答多様性:response diversity)や、種間での環境応答の非同調性(species asynchrony)の効果の検証が急速に進んでいる。

There is an urgent need to understand the stability of ecosystem functions and services in response to environmental change. The insurance effect of biodiversity posits that biodiversity enhances and stabilizes ecosystem functioning. However, the precise mechanisms through which this stabilization occurs remain an open question, and likely vary across contexts. Moreover, ecosystem stability is a multidimensional concept, including temporal and spatial invariability, resistance to and recovery from disturbance, further hindering identification of a single causal driver of stability. Recent work demonstrates the contributions to ecosystem stability of variations in direction and/or magnitude in species responses to environmental changes (that is, response diversity) and the variation in timing of environmental responses among species (species asynchrony). Particularly, response diversity has been theoretically demonstrated to reduce the negative impact of environmental fluctuations on communities, acting as a potentially key determinant of ecosystem stability, perhaps indirectly, through its effects on species asynchrony. However, a uniform method for evaluating response diversity has not been established so far.
Through this symposium, we will bring together researchers working on the diversity–stability relationship in Japan. The keynote presentation will propose a new indicator of response diversity for use in empirical studies. There will also be case studies on species asynchrony and response diversity from manipulative experiments and observations. We will review diversity–stability studies, including topics such as the relationship between species coexistence and ecosystem functioning and stability. We hope this symposium will catalyze a new wave of mechanistic diversity–stability studies in Japan, with a focus on response diversity and species asynchrony at their core.

【プログラム / Program】
14:00-14:10 「趣旨説明 / Introduction」
石井 直浩 (横浜国立大学・大学院環境情報学府)
Naohiro Ishii (Yokohama National Univ.)

14:10-14:55 "Response diversity: concepts, methods, and applications"
ロス サムエル(沖縄科学技術大学院大学・統合群集生態学ユニット)
Samuel R.P-J. Ross (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate Univ.)

14:55-15:25 「Relationship between the components of ecosystem stability and response diversity in grassland communities」
石井 直浩 (横浜国立大学・大学院環境情報学府)
Naohiro Ishii (Yokohama National Univ.)

15:25-15:35 休憩 / Break time

15:35-16:05 「Elevation confounds diversity-stability relationship in rocky intertidal algal assemblages」
立花 道草(北海道大学・大学院環境科学院)
Michikusa Tachibana (Hokkaido Univ.)

16:05-16:35 「On the relationship between species coexistence and ecosystem functioning」
篠原 直登(東北大学・大学院生命科学研究科)
Naoto Shinohara (Tohoku Univ.)

16:35-16:55 「総合討論 / Discussion」
A Q&A session will be held between all the speakers and the audience, and a commentator will be invited to comment.
コメンテーター:瀧本 岳(東京大学・大学院農学生命科学研究科)
Commentator: Gaku Takimoto (Univ. of Tokyo)

16:55-17:00 「閉会挨拶 / Closing remarks」
松田 裕之(関東地区会会長、横浜国立大学・大学院環境情報研究院)
Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama National Univ.)

17:15- 「懇親会 / Social gathering」
オンライン(Spatial Chat)
Online (with Spatial Chat)
運営:中西 博亮(横浜国立大学・大学院環境情報学府)
Coordinated by: Hiroyuki Nakanishi (Yokohama National Univ.)

<本シンポジウムに関する問い合わせ先 >

横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 佐々木研究室 石井直浩(博士課程後期3年)

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Last-modified: 2024-06-14 (金) 03:16:57